
Could A Stomach Bulge Be Fibroids?

When are you due? It’s a question asked by many friends and relatives when you are pregnant. However, if you are asked that question, and you are not pregnant, it is embarrassing and disheartening. If you are walking around with a larger than normal stomach, could it be due to fibroids?  » Read more about: Could A Stomach Bulge Be Fibroids?  »

Fibroids And Pregnancy: What You Should Know

The first thing you should know is that you can have fibroids and still successfully become pregnant and carry a child. There can be some issues though, so keep reading to find out what they are. Fibroids and pregnancy: what you should know.  » Read more about: Fibroids And Pregnancy: What You Should Know  »

Are Fibroids Preventable?

Let’s begin by telling you that you can have fibroids but suffer no symptoms. If so, you are exceptionally fortunate! At the same time, there is no need to tell a woman who has symptoms that they can be traumatic and interfere with your daily life. These women already know that the side effects are extremely painful, and you wouldn’t wish them on your worst enemy. So the burning question may be: are fibroids preventable?  » Read more about: Are Fibroids Preventable?  »

Does Menopause Affect Fibroids?

If you have been suffering with the symptoms of fibroids for years and now are approaching menopause, you want to know what to expect. Will the symptoms get worse, better, or not change at all? How does menopause affect fibroids?  » Read more about: Does Menopause Affect Fibroids?  »

Serious Conditions That Are Often Mistaken For PMS

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS describes a variety of symptoms that occur a week or so before the onset of a woman’s period. Many women have tender breasts, become moody or irritable, and experience bloating and a number of other symptoms to some degree. Any symptom of PMS can vary from mild to severe and women may think they are all normal. This is not necessarily true because there are some serious conditions that are often mistaken for PMS.  » Read more about: Serious Conditions That Are Often Mistaken For PMS  »

Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Fibroid Treatment

Women who suffer with fibroid pain and excessive bleeding are always looking for something to relieve their symptoms. These non-cancerous growths in the uterus can cause severe pain and interfere with a woman’s daily life, but not not all women have symptoms. If you are one of the unlucky ones, take some time to look at these alternative natural remedies and lifestyle changes for fibroid treatment.  » Read more about: Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Fibroid Treatment  »

Fibroid Factors That Affect Your Treatment Options

There are many women in the world that are affected by fibroids, which naturally means that there are many women looking for effective solutions to this condition. The tricky part is, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to treating uterine fibroids.  » Read more about: Fibroid Factors That Affect Your Treatment Options  »

Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

Once fibroids are discovered, you can expect to see the doctor more often because there may be some fibroid factors that increase your risk of complications during pregnancy.
What Are the Risks?
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop inside of the uterus, outside of the uterus, or within the uterine wall itself. They can be very tiny or as large as a grapefruit, so once your doctor determines the size(s) and location of the fibroid(s), they can give you an idea of any particular risks associated with them.    » Read more about: Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy  »

What Is a Submucosal Fibroid and How Can It Be Treated?

There are four types of uterine fibroids with submucosal fibroids being the rarest form. A submucosal fibroid is non-cancerous, but it can lead to multiple symptoms and complications for women of childbearing age.  » Read more about: What Is a Submucosal Fibroid and How Can It Be Treated?  »

Why Women With Fibroids are More Likely to Have a C-Section

If you’re on the path to delivering your child, chances are you’re actively discussing whether or not to have a vaginal or cesarian delivery. For some, the choice is simple. However, if you’re one of the nearly 30 percent of women that experience fibroids by age 35, your decision becomes a bit more difficult. Fibroids may lead to complications with a vaginal delivery, often forcing women to have a c-section, but why is that exactly?  » Read more about: Why Women With Fibroids are More Likely to Have a C-Section  »