
Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

Once fibroids are discovered, you can expect to see the doctor more often because there may be some fibroid factors that increase your risk of complications during pregnancy.
What Are the Risks?
Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop inside of the uterus, outside of the uterus, or within the uterine wall itself. They can be very tiny or as large as a grapefruit, so once your doctor determines the size(s) and location of the fibroid(s), they can give you an idea of any particular risks associated with them.    » Read more about: Fibroid Factors That Increase Your Risk of Complications During Pregnancy  »

Your Guide to Preterm Labor Prevention

Most pregnancies last to term, which is at least 37 weeks. Full term is 39 – 40 weeks, but about 12% of babies in the U.S. are born preterm or prematurely.  » Read more about: Your Guide to Preterm Labor Prevention  »

13 Super Foods for Expectant Mothers

These days we hear about super foods for this and super foods for that. There is one group of super foods you shouldn’t ignore though, and those are designated for expectant moms.  » Read more about: 13 Super Foods for Expectant Mothers  »

5 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling

If you have already had one child, then you know the drill. Pregnancy puffiness and swelling are all part of the deal that comes with bringing new life into the world. With all the joys of waiting for your baby to arrive, including the so-called glow, you also experience the annoying puffiness and swelling.  » Read more about: 5 Ways to Reduce Pregnancy Puffiness and Swelling  »

Why Women With Fibroids are More Likely to Have a C-Section

If you’re on the path to delivering your child, chances are you’re actively discussing whether or not to have a vaginal or cesarian delivery. For some, the choice is simple. However, if you’re one of the nearly 30 percent of women that experience fibroids by age 35, your decision becomes a bit more difficult. Fibroids may lead to complications with a vaginal delivery, often forcing women to have a c-section, but why is that exactly?  » Read more about: Why Women With Fibroids are More Likely to Have a C-Section  »

What Can An Ultrasound Tell You?

Friends and relatives of a pregnant mom are treated to pictures and videos of the growing fetus these days through social media platforms like Facebook, so it’s no surprise that ultrasounds are done earlier and earlier. An ultrasound can tell you many secrets like the gender of the baby unlike decades ago when it would be a surprise.
In addition to the baby’s gender, an ultrasound can inform both the parents-to-be and the physician about the health of the fetus.  » Read more about: What Can An Ultrasound Tell You?  »